
still catchin' up ;)

    'naners for breakfast & lunch yesterday

    4 or 5 small shitake mushrooms when making dinner (forgot that they were another occasional thing I got this week too... not ideal food, but I eat 'em up to a few times a year)

    a few julienne cut dried tomatoes when putting them in water to soak for the marinara sauce... not ideal either

    dinner of grated zucchini covered with marinara sauce (blended: tomato, red bell pepper, celery, fresh herbs (basil, chives, oregano & touch of thyme), soaked dried tomatoes) and sprinkled with chopped yellow & purple green beans, chopped yellow sunburst squash, red & orange bell pepper, sliced black olives; touch of nutritional yeast put on like Parmesan cheese.

Yeah, so the dinner was another meal that should stay as an occasional thing, still considered raw by most, but not ideal. My body dealt with it fine though - the BM issues were still clearing, actually gone by that time & I haven't had trouble (it's mid-morning the next day now)

I've had bananas so far today, but I'm running out so I might end up eating some of the Essene bread at some point today 'till I can get more fruit. Yeah, it's another occasional thing. So many of 'em right now. I'm looking forward to a long period free of occasional food when I get back home again. I'm gonna' continue to steer clear of the things I think gave me the BM issues though.

I didn't end up going to the gym yesterday, so did calisthenics and such at the house. I'm still easing back into doing new exercise activities. Tonight we're gonna' go to the "heavy bag boxing" class again. My friend said the trainer teaching the last class wasn't the regular one and hopes the regular one's back today 'cause she says that one's really good and fun. I hope so too! :)

The last class was fun. I was a bit apprehensive about doing the boxing with the boxing gloves without wraps or internal gloves, but it worked out fine. I didn't have any problems with the gloves on my hands - well, except for figuring out how to put my hands down for the pushups and all. LOL I don't know how you're supposed to be able to do regular pushups with them on, it wouldn't work for me. I ended up doing knuckle pushups instead. I learned a bit about how to do various punches. I only know the standard martial arts punches, but I was learning hooks, cross overs and jabs. Nifty.

The issues I had from H&F Week, traveling and such have resolved by now, thank goodness. Nothing else new right now.
update: mid-afternoon had a tad of cabbage-smelling gas without bloating, right as I discovered that I had started my period; also took shower after that and smelled cilantro coming out of my pores. I guess it's all from H&F Week 'cause I haven't had either cabbage or cilantro since the last day of fancy meals there on Friday.

I'm thinking that I'm gonna' make cilantro a more rare and possibly a never thing for me and see how that goes. I might add arugula to that as well, but am not sure about it yet (as long as it's baby, baby arugula).

It's a red day still, no period yet, day 27 of my cycle
update: mid-afternoon my period started, so it's now a green day & day 1 of my cycle

The Rest:
Well, it's early in the day so not a lot to report. Dinner turned out well last night, so well in fact that there isn't much left-over for my friend to have as left-overs. Oh well. I made a few simple garnishes for the little bowls of stuff to sprinkle on top with the zucchini and sunburst squash. Gosh, I just realized that I should have taken some pics for y'all. Doi. Have to get back into that habit again... Sorry. I did a couple of zucchini flowers and 4 sunburst squash leaves to go with them. I packed my carving tools in the bag I planned to not have to unpack for simplicity so was keeping it simple 'cause I was using her steak knife to do it with. It worked well enough.

I've been thinking about the form my books will be taking and all, preparing myself to work on them in the next few weeks too. I'm hoping to finish at least one of them to release as an ebook or something before I go home... You'll know as soon as I do.

K, gonna' go and work on catching up on my sleep some more right now. I'll be back later, working on the todo list and such until my friend gets home. Then we'll work on her trailer some more and run off to the boxing class.

Have a terrific day! :)



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