So far, 2/14/07

woke at 4:30am for temp. & pee
up at 6am to run
slept a little off and on between 7:30 & 8:30 or so too
to sleep for night at ??

1 watermelon for breakfast
15 bananas for lunch
Dinner: small avocado, small head of cabbage, large tomato, some baby carrots

I ate dinner rushed 'cause I wanted to finish it before we left, rather than eating it at the Internet Cafe. I think it will still digest well enough though - hopefully. Heh, we'll find out!

1 hour run/walk in morning breakfast & before it gets too hot :) ~30min. give or take running in that
calestenics before lunch: 10 jump squats, followed by 150 squats, slight rest followed by 3 or 4 sucky jump lunges, followed by 10 jump squats, slight rest followed by about 5 or 6 more sucky jump lunges LOL
Did 10 pushups after dinner, just before leaving for town

a bit of mucus when I lay down - makes me cough a bit, but it's getting less and less
I'm feeling more of myself, feel more like exercising, my hunger is coming back more too. Yay!

6am temp: ?? degrees fahrenheit, day ?? of my cycle, green day, no kid icons

The Rest:
Another freestyle day. Finished reading a book, went looking at shops and came into Internet Cafe to update this Blog. :) I had a chat date w/my hubby tonight. My friends went to a Valentine's Day performance and were gonna' picnic on the beach. It sounded like fun, but I had planned to talk to my hubby for a long time and he would only be available during it. It was soooo good to reconnect with him - wish he was here & I could hug him too...


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