So far, 2/13/07

woke at 6am for temp.
up at 7-ish?
to sleep for night at 11:30-ish

1 cup pipas (coco water) after run/walk
1 small watermelon after my roommate came back from run/walk
bananas for lunch - shared again...
2 cantelopes later
dinner: large lilikoi from market yesterday, bite of HOT cabbage from market yesterday, 1 cucumber & part of another, a few pineapple slices my friends didn't want

sort-of run/walk thingy in the morning
4 or 5 pushups or so later in the day - still tired from travel, etc.
Hard to run with dusty roads for me - when cars go by dust comes up & I want to cover my face in order to keep the mucus reaction down - can't breathe well through hankercheif or something else when exercising.... I also haven't been fueling myself as much lately, so felt that too
I figure I'll try the beach tomorrow - wear my Tevas 'cause it's got sand in places, large pebbles/small rocks in others and large rough rocks in yet others...

mucus, dehydration & tireness still...

6am temp: ?? degrees fahrenheit, day ?? of my cycle, green day, no kid icons

The Rest:
It was a nice stay at home sort of day today, didn't completely stay there at the hotel, but didn't 'need' to be anywhere either. Nice.

I finally got to chat w/my hubby - had missed him yesterday online from the Internet Cafe. It was really nice to reconnect. I'm hoping to chat again tomorrow for Valentine's. :)


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