Food and Exercise Log 1-2-19

Happy New Year Everyone!!! :) :) :)

awake at 7:45am, up at 8:30am
to sleep for night last night at: 11:30pm

breakfast: 6 (or 7?) organic California Page mandarins
lunch: 9 Fuyu persimmons (3 lbs)
dinner: TBD -- probably a mandarin or two, followed by salad of: head of green cabbage cut into ribbons with dressing of tahini, lemon, carrot juice, freeze dried kale powder ... and maybe some partially dehydrated summer squash slices on the side or with the dressing as dip (possibly dipping "baby" carrots too) ... and maybe some carrot juice afterward

I've been eating persimmons pretty much every day for a while now. They are SO delicious, and they store really well here, so I can get over a month's worth at a time, which I absolutely love! They hold up well without refrigeration and are a terrific staple or back-up because they're the kind that you can eat whether they are hard or soft. I got a great deal on them at CostCo in California when Darrel and I were there last.

I've been eating all raw, actually since my last post, coincidentally. LOL

20+ mins on rebounder/mini-trampoline before breakfast
incline pushups and squats before lunch
rest of day TBD -- probably some exercises with resistance band before dinner, and some stretching before bed

I'm going light on the exercise for a bit right now, so none of this is high intensity today.

The Rest:
Well.. lots to catch up on. I'm currently in the boondocks of a remote area in Arizona--Surprise! I actually have a video from several months ago with an update that I never published for some reason. I think it's because I mentioned a page and links for giving gifts that I never made.

ANYway... maybe I'll finish the gift page and actually post that soon. In the meantime, I'll post here every once in a while. I'm actively trying to finish the products I've mentioned I'm doing from time to time... so *fingers crossed* I will be able to actually sort all the content into things that actually make sense together, lol. My main trouble is scope creep with these things, followed by a realization that it's just too long, then overwhelm with editing it down and figuring out how to break things up into different items. So it goes...

It feels different this time. I think I'll actually get something released soon... and, of course, I'll let you know as soon as it's ready! :) :)

Also, I just may get to the rebuild of this site soon too... exciting times! :)


-Janie :)


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