Updating a bit in next couple of weeks with videos! :)

I've been trying to video what I get each week along with anyone that's with me at the time. I had held up the publishing of them for a bit 'cause some of them had audio difficulties and I was waiting to see if I could figure out how to fix them and/or get Rel or Darrel to do it. It wasn't happening for long enough that I figured I'd just put 'em up anyway. I'm gradually catching up with them.

In the meantime I also did a couple of recipe videos, one of which was very long 'cause it included me experimenting with things a bit. I haven't posted that in full-length yet, but will as soon as I add in a bit of music. I just learned how to add and edit music in program I've started to use for this. I have a shorter version of that video as well as another one up already and have edited another excerpt from the long one for another video I'm about to release this week. It's the first one I have music in. Yay! :)

So, anyway, I've been working on learning how to film and edit videos myself so that I can get them done better and more consistently. It seems to be a good medium for recipes and such so I'm excited about the possibilities. I'm still working out the kinks, but will be releasing stuff in the meantime as I work it out. And I'll continue to do the Food for the Week-ish series casually as well.

I'm posting videos on the date they were filmed rather than the date I posted them for easier archiving reference, so you'll need to look "back in time" on here from this post to see the stuff I've already filmed.

Who knows, maybe I'll even type some writing here too, hehe. Stranger things have happened. LOL ;)

Enjoy & Aloha! :)


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