Wednesday 1/30/08
Sleep: woke at 12am 'cause hubby's cell phone was beeping with low batteries, used temperature taking device as flashlight to plug in cell phone & messed up taking temperature so had to skip the temperature this time up at 6:30am to sleep for night at ~10pm Food: ~9am - water from 3 young coconuts ~9:30am - 2 or 3 large tangerines ~noon - about a dozen large tangerines ~3:30pm - 2 small baggies of garbanzo sprouts while in traffic to pick up son ~7pm - 4 green olives given too me, eek! too salty, but liked 'em, ug! ruined my plans ~7:30pm - 3 more green olives, tahini/lemon dip with 2 med. tomatoes in it - celery dipped in it (~10 sticks) Wow, I am soooo glad I've gotten enough fruit to last me now. Today was a disaster for me (well, not a complete disaster, and certainly wouldn't be for everyone, but certainly not how I like to be doing and not how I'm used to be doing, that's for sure)- not enough carbs, too much fat and salt on top of it. Ick! All I h...